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7300 (under development)

Arduino library for controlling TMC7300 DC motor driver ICs

arduino-library-badge PlatformIO Registry Arduino Lint

Doxygen reference:

My goal is to make a good library for controlling the TMC7300 chips. To keep things simple, unlike other TMC motor driver libraries (see Acknowledgements), I do not have a plan to support other chips in a more general way using this library.

Datasheet for TMC7300 motor driver IC

Make sure that any Serial prints have time to finish before starting a read or write. This library needs to be able to run uninterrupted in order for the timing of the UART communication with the TMC7300 to work correctly.

Tested with

  • ESP32-S3 QT Py


Find the comments in the source code of this library to see which parts are based on which of the above libraries.